Registration Now Open!
The Weight Loss Rehab Program
For Women Only
Space Limited to 10
Next session starting on Thursday February 6th to March 27th, meeting every Thursday night from 6:00-7:30.
Why “Weight Loss Rehab”?
The “Weight Loss” is first working on the weight that we carry from things we hold on to internally.
And “Rehab” as a verb means rehabilitate or restore. Restoring you back to God’s original design and purpose for you.
In my own personal experience and with clients I have found that we are all addicted to something. We find ways to self medicate in many ways. Life gets overwhelming, things happen to us, we do things we regret, we get lost and forget who we are. And then we turn to anything we can to “feel better”, or “check out” because that’s our human condition when things get hard.
If you are tired of being on a diet, constantly worrying about your weight, unmotivated, spiritually and mentally depleted, if you feel like you have no purpose, lost yourself, feel shame, or anywhere in between, this program is for you.
“Everyone is either in denial or in recovery” - Richard Rohr
With the Weight Loss Rehab Program I will help guide you back to God’s original design before you started believing lies about yourself and before you picked up bad habits, and bring you back to the purpose God created you for in the first place.
“Weight loss” is so much more than just weight in pounds. It’s about getting rid of the weight we have been carrying around for way to long. And many times as with any addiction, food, alcohol, shopping, (fill in the blank), it’s a symptom rather than a cause of the problem. Working on the inside first and figuring out why you are stuck is the first step to losing weight in your body, mind, and spirit.
“When God restores something, He brings it to His original intent.” -Shauna Shanks
Where: Fitness Training Unlimited 133 Easy Shopping Pl. Elkhart, IN 46516
When: Thursday evenings STARTING February 6th - March 27th from 6:00 -7:30
Cost: EARLY SIGN UP by January 23rd is $349*********AFTER January 23rd cost is $399 and DEADLINE to sign up is January 30th.
8 Group Coaching Sessions
1 Private 1 hour Coaching session to be used within the 8 week program
Materials/Availability/Handouts (I will be available within reason outside of class for any questions or concerns.)
Access to a Gentle/Restorative Yoga class held at the studio on Wednesday nights 5:45-6:30
**This is a 8 week faith based program that has some of the 12 Steps from AA sprinkled in, which I believe help you see things that have kept you stuck and that you need to work on and let go of. It may not be alcohol, we just fill in the blank to what our addiction/struggle is. Mine has been sugar, anger, perfectionism, people pleasing, social media, and body image.
**If we don’t start working on our hurts, habits, and hang-ups, it eventually shows up in the way we live our life and how we deal with life.
**Someone said, “Our issues are in our tissues”. I believe that some of our aches, pains, and autoimmune diseases are from holding on to things that we need to let go of. The only way that we can do that is to reveal it in order to heal it. We have to heal the wounds of our past before we can move forward.
**We will also talk about exercise and eating habits.
“I had a different image of this course when I signed up. I was thinking “weight in pounds” but I realize now that I need to let go of the “weight” of life and refocus on what is important. It has taught me that I am not alone in how I feel and the struggles of life. “Weight” comes in many shapes and sizes and all ages. The thing I have enjoyed most is the openness and trust that I feel in the group setting. I struggle with commitments so I am proud that I have taken this time for myself for 13 weeks and focused on being present each week. I enjoyed the program and the girls that I met in the program. I would recommend it to anyone that is looking for a "safe" place to share your feelings and to grow spiritually. I think that was step 1 for me and now I need to put in the hard work to continue on my health journey both mentally and physically. Christy is very loyal, trustworthy, and dedicated to her clients.” Stacy S.
“I am so thankful for this program and the relationships I have formed with the women, Christy, God, and myself. I will forever be impacted by the lessons we have learned.” Hope S.
“This program was just what I needed to bring me back to my spiritual faith in God.” Kelli S.
“This program is a holistic approach with group support to help a person realize they must heal all aspects of their life - mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical - in order to achieve a healthy balance.” Ginger L.
“This class was a good reboot for me after covid. I was out of my healthy routines. The Bible study, going through the 12 steps, and the safe group setting for sharing what was on our hearts helped me get back on track. I especially enjoyed the diversity in ages in the group, all searching for a closer relationship with God". Dallis M.
“The biggest thing I am leaving with this program is I have noticed that if I have something on my mind, I voice it. I won’t hold my problems in anymore!” Tara B.
“Being someone that never shares what I am feeling or thinking it was hard at first in the program. But Christy made it such a safe space that I was able to do so. Not only was I able to lose so much emotional and psychological weight I was carrying, but I have put God back into the center of my life. This program has shown me that God will always guide me on the right path and even though I want to speed things up, I need to trust and follow him.” Ana R.
“At first I thought this program was going to be about a workout plan and a crazy diet, but it ended up being so much more than that. Coming out of this program I feel like a stronger more independent women. A weight has been lifted off of my shoulders that i didn’t even realize was there or how much it was actually weighing me down . This program made me realize my worth and the fact that if i take care of my mental health the physical aspect will come along with it. Also my relationship with God has gotten significantly stronger which has also had a huge impact on me. This program by far is so much more than I ever thought it would be, it taught me so much about myself and things that i will use in everyday life and i will forever be grateful for this opportunity!” Mallory M.
Class Structure
The first week is Introduction/Q&A time getting to know eachother, and may be closer to 2 hours.
The next 7 weeks will be group coaching with a focus on a specific topic to cover and sharing from homework done from the previous week.
This is a big commitment and like anything, what you put into it, you’ll get out of it. It’s something that you need to pray about and make sure that you will stay committed. There will never be a “perfect” time to start. And if not now, when?
***You will have about an hour of homework to do each week that is for your benefit.
If you’re tired of not having/taking the time for yourself to understand why you keep doing the things that you don’t want to do that aren’t helping you get where you want to be, this program is for you.
You can sign up to reserve your spot at any time by contacting me. I prefer to use Venmo or Check, but can also take Credit Card or PayPal for payment.
Please feel free to call or text me @ 574-370-6055 or email @ with any questions.